

Bible Studies (Page 3)

Sign up for Women’s Study – Quest

Deepen your intimacy with God as you ask, discuss, and ponder questions of faith. Take comfort in remembering this world is only a temporary stay until we reach our heavenly home. Understand that questions are inherent and essential to growth. THURSDAYS at 6:30 PM  STARTING FEB 8 or TUESDAYS at 9:00 AM  STARTING FEB 13 Sign up HERE or at…

Women’s Study – Hebrews

Tuesdays 9-10:30 AM, July 11-Aug 29 Jesus Christ – a name that still has unique pulling power, even in today’s secular society.   He can be a comfort in times of trouble or an inspiration for those seeking spirituality.  But, is Jesus at the center of our existence, our hopes, priorities and everyday lives?  Consider Jesus…

Sign Up for New Women’s Study

“The Freedom of Christian Living” a study on Romans 12-16 Paul spells out the practical implications of God’s amazing free gift of life and sonship in the Gospel.  He deals with our relationships with each other, our interaction with the non-Christian world around us, our attitude toward civil authorities, and more.  Sign up to join…

New Adult Classes

Sundays 9:45 – 10:30 AM 10-weeks starting March 12 No registration necessary for adult classes; just mark your calendar and come!  Sunday School is provided for all ages during this time.   Why does God allow suffering? How can God be full of love AND wrath? How can you say there is only one way to…