

Sunday School  Sundays 9:45 – 10:30 AM during school year

  • Adults: post high school men & women
  • Youth: 7th-12th grade, 
  • Children:  Preschool (age 3) – 6th grade, 
  • Nursery: birth – 36 months


The purpose for adults is to facilitate growth in maturity in Christ by teaching the Bible or Bible-based materials.  Our purpose for children and youth is to teach them who God is, who we are in relation to him, and to establish them with a foundation of doctrine and truth from the Bible.  Adults, gather in Room 119 to study God’s word together. No signup is required for Adult Sunday School. Just show up with your Bible. Why go to Sunday School?  Read this post or this post

Below are the Adult Classes being offered this semester beginning Sunday, January 5:

Women’s Class on the book of Revelation | Led by Sara Barnhart  | Room 118

The Book of Revelation offers a unique opportunity to explore the profound and symbolic visions of the Apostle John. It’s important to observe its complex imagery, historical context, and theological themes, emphasizing both its relevance for the early Christian church and its lasting message for believers today. Thoughtful discussion will be encouraged, acknowledging the book’s layers of meaning and diverse interpretations, while focusing on the hope and victory it ultimately points to in Christ. This study can deepen faith, inspire perseverance, and provoke reflection on God’s sovereignty and the future fulfillment of His promises.

How Can I Get More out of My Bible Reading? | Led by George Myers | Room 119

This class will continue studying through the Old Testament, applying Bible reading principles learned in the fall semester.  All are welcome at any time!


2024-2025 Sunday School Schedule

FBC uses Truth:78 curriculum. We love it because it teaches the whole counsel of God. Truth:78 Mission is to give the next generations a biblically balanced view of God, His purposes, themselves, and the world, by teaching them the whole counsel of God—both the majestic breadth and depth of Scripture. Help them see the grand narrative and the individual glorious parts so that they might be grounded in sound doctrine and be fully acquainted with the essential truths of the Christian life. 

  • Pre-K – Answers Bible Curriculum
    A study through the stories in Genesis, emphasizing the truth of Scripture.
  • KindergartenJesus, What a Savior
    A study of the the effects of sin, redemption and the Gospel, with the greatness and worth of God at the center of every lesson.
  • 1st GradeThe ABCs of God
    A study of the attributes of God, using the alphabet as a framework for learning. 
  • 2nd GradeFaithful to All His Promises
    A study on the promises of God, seeing how He has been and will be faithful to each of these promises.
  • 3rd GradeIn the Beginning…Jesus
    A chronological study through the Bible of God’s redemptive plan.
  • 4th GradeTo Be Like Jesus
    A study of salvation and sanctification, to help children understand what the Christian life is all about.
  • 5th – 6th Grade – Generations of Grace
  • 7th-12th Grade – AMPLIFY Growing a Faith That Lasts – A study that helps lay the foundation of a lasting relationship with God through a study of the core concepts of their faith.