


Call to Baptism

Have you repented of your sins and put your trust in Jesus to save you from God’s judgment? If so, your next step in following Jesus may be baptism. We have a process for you to learn about baptism, assess if you are ready, and prepare you to be baptized. The first step is to…


Have you repented of your sins and put your trust in Jesus to save youfrom God’s judgment? If so, your next step in following Jesus may bebaptism. We have a process for you to learn about baptism, assess if you areready, and prepare you to be baptized. The first step is to attend aone-session class.…

Baptism this Summer

Jesus calls all his followers to “Repent and be baptized!” Baptism is our way of saying, “I believe in Jesus! I trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins” just like when I wear a wedding ring to say, “I’m taken! I’m married to my lovely wife!” My ring doesn’t make me married no more…


If you are interested in being baptized, please contact the church office at (715) 748-4936.  Our next baptism will be held Sunday, January 21 during church services. 

Will you get baptized in 2017?

Jesus calls all his followers to “Repent and be baptized!” Baptism is our way of saying, “I believe in Jesus! I trust in Jesus for the forgiveness of sins” just like when I wear a wedding ring to say, “I’m taken! I’m married to my lovely wife!” My ring doesn’t make me married no more…

Planning Baptism Sunday

First Baptist Church:   There are some baptism opportunities being planned for this summer!   If you are interested in learning more about baptism, click HERE to request more information.     One of the most important steps of obedience for followers of Jesus is to be baptized. God rescues and saves sinners by his lavish grace…