

Becker Celebration + Farewell

Dear FBC church family,

This coming Sunday, July 21, is the celebration + farewell for Pastor Tim and Renee Becker. We will hold ONE JOINT service at 10:00am, where Pastor Tim will deliver his final sermon to us, followed by a time of sharing and celebration lunch.

Reminders + Expectations for the Morning:

  • Please drop off your potluck dishes to the kitchen before the worship service
  • The joint worship service will go from 10am-11am. Nursery is provided
  • After a short break to pick up kiddos from nursery and beginner’s church, a sharing time will begin back in the sanctuary at 11:15 and end approximately 11:45am. This is a wonderful time to prepare to share encouragement, memories and appreciation for Tim & Renee and what  God has done through them in their time with us.
  • Lunch will follow the sharing time and to honor the Becker’s love for ethnic food will include the following cuisine options:
    • Asian Dish table
    • Indian Dish table
    • Main Food Table with Hotdogs + Side Dishes
    • Celebration Cake provided

There will be a place to bring cards and other gifts as you feel led. Below are some ideas of ways to bless the Beckers on their next journey: 

  • Write out a note or card of encouragement letting Tim and Renee know how God has helped you grow through their teaching, ministry and friendship.  
  • You might consider blessing the Beckers with a financial gift, gas card, or gift card.