

21 Days of IMpactful Prayer

We are one of a large number of churches from across the globe affiliated with the Converge movement that will be holding 21 Days of Prayer. Imagine what will happen when churches around the world focus wholeheartedly on communicating with our amazing God through prayer.

Your power to be used by him to effect change in this world begins with prayer. Beyond yourself, when you pray, you build and strengthen bonds with other believers. Therefore, from  January 11-31, we will come together for 21 Days of Prayer. Together, we will pray for God’s leading in our personal lives, at First Baptist Church, across Taylor County, and the world.

A prayer booklet is available for free in the FBC foyer to help guide the 21 days. As prayer becomes a larger part of your life:

  • You will become less focused on yourself, and more focused on Jesus.
  • Your temptations and fear will give way to dependence on God and confidence in him.
  • You will begin to discern God’s will and calling in your life.
  • It will be your weapon when you are drawn into spiritual battles.

21 Days of Impactful Prayer // #convergeprayer