

Youth Center Update

Our new youth center is nearing the final few days of renovations! We are excited to have nearly triple the space than we did last year to offer teens. For the first time, we will have dedicated teaching spaces for Ignite (7-8th graders) and Elevate (9-12th graders). The old church auditorium has been transformed into a gym. A larger kitchen will meet the needs of a growing youth group. Small group rooms will give leaders a chance to have impactful conversations about our God and his word to us. There is more green space for teens to enjoy the outdoors while at the youth center. Many men and women labored this summer to prepare this building for these teens – these volunteers were God’s goodness to FBC and our youth.

Not only has God been good to us with new facilities, but also we have been blessed with a passionate group of youth volunteers that are committed to sharing the truth and love of the Gospel and to growing and maturing our Ignite and Elevate students in their walk with their God. FBC has also been greatly blessed with men and women that desire to serve our youth in many capacities– small group leaders, Open Time volunteers, concession workers, and many who want to feed the hungry stomachs of teenagers! It’s amazing to see the body of Christ operate in such a way that will touch the lives of scores of teenagers this year.  I don’t know about you, but that makes me thankful for those who serve enthusiastically towards the cause of Christ. We have quite the opportunity in our community!

It’s our hope and prayer that every teen that enters the doors of the Cutting Edge Youth Center will hear and see our God and live for him. Teens, join us for the Youth Center Kick Off on September 12 from 6:15-8:00 PM!  ~Pastor George Myers