On Wednesdays at the Cutting Edge Youth Center (CEYC) there are programing options for students from 7-12th grade from September – May. The Afterschool @CEYC program is for 7-8th graders from 3:30-6 PM with a Grub Crew Meal for them at 5:00 PM and 9-12th graders are invited to come to the CEYC at 5:30 PM for our Grub Crew Meal and then Youth Group from 6-8 PM with open time after. During these times food is a big part of the night. We have concession food after school which includes a once month pizza option and we serve a meal from 5-6 PM each week. We are looking for volunteers to help in these areas. Below are a couple ways you can help. To help with Youth Ministry Food here are a couple options.

To learn more about how you can help with food at the CEYC on Wednesday nights CONTACT KARI KAPITZ FOR MORE INFO: kjkapitz@hotmail.com.
INTERESTED IN HELPING WITH GRUB CREW DESSERTS? Click this link to sign up: https://www.perfectpotluck.com/FZVG6496
INTERESTED IN HELPING FINANCIALLY? Here are a couple ideas: $35 Pizza Sponsorship for Afterschool @CEYC, $75 Half Meal Sponsorship for Grub Crew, $150 Full Meal Sponsorship for Grub Crew. We welcome any financial gift you would feel led to give. You can find an envelope to put your donation in at the Welcome Center at FBC and then drop it in the Communication Box.