


Frequently Asked Questions

Where is the Cutting Edge Youth Center (CEYC) located?
The CEYC is located at 220 N. Main St. in Medford.

Who can attend the CEYC?
The CEYC is for all students in the Medford Community that are 7th thru 12th

How do I find out the schedule for the CEYC?
Also, the calendar is mailed out to the
families of students that attend the CEYC.  To get on this mailing list please
How do I reserve the CEYC or FBC for an event?
To reserve one of the buildings you must contact the church at 748-4936 to
see if the building is available on the date that you are requesting.  Only church
staff can add events to the church calendar.  The first priorities of both
buildings are church and CEYC related events.

What is the cost of using the CEYC or FBC?
The cost of using the building for a nonchurch event depends on the event.
You must contact the church office at 748-4936 to get a price.  You can also
request a wedding brochure from the church office at 748-4936.

How do I borrow tables and/or chairs from FBC?
The tables & chairs that we have to lend out are located in the shed.  Tables &
chairs located inside the church are not available to borrow.  In order to
borrow tables & chairs from FBC you must contact the church office at
748-4936.  The office will collect the necessary information – the number of
tables and/or chairs that you will need, the date you will pick them up and the
date that you will return them.  If what you need is available for the requested
time, you will be put on the schedule and be given the code to access the
shed.  Requests made in advance and put on the schedule will be given first
priority for the tables & chairs.  You are responsible for bringing the necessary
vehicle to transport the tables & chairs and you are also responsible for
bringing the necessary people with you to load and unload them.

What do I do if I’m scheduled to serve on a Sunday morning or Wednesday evening but I can’t?
You are responsible for finding your replacement.  You can either switch with
another person or call a substitute.  Please do not contact the church office or
relevant ministry leader to find your replacement.

What ages is the nursery for?
The nursery is for any child from birth up to age 3.  FBC offers a volunteer
staffed nursery on Sunday mornings for both services and Sunday school

What ages is Beginner’s Church for?
Beginner’s church is for all children age 3 up to age 5.  Beginner’s church is a
program led by Kelly Schafer.  Children will be dismissed during the service at
the appropriate time.

What ages is Awana for?
Awana is for all children age 3 through Grade 6.  Awana is a children’s
program that meets Wednesday nights during the school year at FBC from
6:15pm to 8:00pm.  

What ages is Vacation Bible School (VBS) for?
VBS is for all children age 4 through Grade 6.  VBS is a children’s program
that is held in the evenings for one week in the summer.

What ages is Sunday school for?
At FBC we have a Sunday school class for all ages.  Sunday school is held
Sunday mornings at 9:45am.  Children from birth up to age 3 can go to the
nursery.  Children age 3 through grade 6 meet downstairs and are divided into
classes based on their grade.  These classes use the desiring God

Students in 7th & 8th grades meet upstairs in the Ritten Room
and 9th thru 12th grades meet in Pastor Luke’s office.  The Adult classes vary
throughout the year in their meeting place and the topics covered.  The current
classes and meeting places are listed in the bulletin each week.

What should I do if I want to get baptized?
If you are interested in being baptized please schedule an appointment with
one of the Pastors at 748-4936.  Baptisms are held periodically throughout
the year.

What should I do if I want to become a member of FBC?
The process of becoming a member of FBC includes first attending a
Newcomer’s Lunch.  These lunches are scheduled periodically throughout the
year.  After the lunch you will need to schedule and appointment to meet with
Pastor Brian.  There will be an application for you to fill out and then with the
help of Pastor Brian, a time will be set up for you to meet with the Deacon
Board.  After the Deacon Board gives its recommendation for membership
acceptance, it will be voted on by the members of FBC at a business meeting.

What are FBC’s office hours?
The church office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 3:30pm.  It is
also closed for lunch from 11:30am to 12:30pm.  Each individual pastors’
schedule varies and can be inquired about by contacting the church secretary
at 748-4936.

How can I listen to a sermon from a previous week?
Copies of the current message are available at the Information Desk or by
contacting the church office at 748-4936.

How do I get offering envelopes?
Offering envelopes can be requested by contacting the church office at
748-4936.  Using offering envelopes is strongly encouraged by the Financial
Secretary to help in the record keeping process.

How can I get a record of my year-end giving for tax purposes?
The Financial Secretary will distribute a year-end statement in the month of
January.  If you do not receive one please contact the church office at
748-4936.  Cash donations are only recordable when given in an assigned
offering envelope.

How can I get a church mailbox?
To get a church mailbox please contact the church office at 748-4936.  Church
mailboxes are a great way for the church to communicate information to
people that attend FBC.

Who can come to Listening Sessions?
Listening Sessions are open to any person that attends FBC.  Listening
Sessions are typiclly held every other month on the first Sunday of the month,
but are announced in the church bulletin as one approaches.  Listening
Sessions are an avenue for the congregation to discuss concerns with church
leaders.  If there are specific topics and agendas planned for discussion that
information will be announced in the church bulletin in advance.

Who can come to the Annual and Semi-Annual Meetings?
The Annual & Semi-Annual Meetings are open to any person that attends
FBC.  The date of the meetings and specific agendas will be published in the
church bulletin with a minimum of two weeks notice.

How can I be a part of the prayer chain?
FBC has a phone prayer chain and an e-mail prayer chain.  If you would like to
be on either one of these lists please contact the church office at 748-4936.

How do I start a prayer chain request?
To start a prayer chain request by phone contact Celia Lemke at 748-5747.
To start a prayer chain request by e-mail please contact the church office at
748-4936.  Please have all pertinent information to the request available when

How do I find out about volunteer opportunities?
For a list of volunteer opportunities and the ministry leaders contact
information please contact Pastor Brian at 748-4936.

Who should I talk to if I have an idea for a FBC event or a new ministry?
Events and ideas can be presented to Pastor Brian at 748-4936.

What is the Deacons Fund?
The Deacons Fund consists of money collected in a special offering on the
first Sunday of each month.  People in need throughout Medford and its
surrounding communities can make requests in times of financial difficulties.
Money is typically given to help with things such as rent, utilities and medical
bills.  A gift of money from the Deacons Fund is a one-time per person gift that
does not need to be paid back.

How do I make a Deacons Fund request?
If you need to make a request for funds from the Deacons Fund please
contact the church office at 748-4936.   You will then speak with a Pastor that
will collect the pertinent information and background necessary to the
situation.  The request will then be forwarded to the Deacons.  If the Deacons
approve the request, the amount approved will be distributed accordingly.

What is the FBC Food Pantry?
FBC has a food pantry to help people in Medford and its surrounding
communities that are in need of food.  The food pantry is kept stocked by the
loving generosity of the people that attend FBC and gracious area businesses     and organizations.  We can only stock non-perishable foods but we do have a
voucher system set up with County Market in Medford that allows people to
purchase the following items: 1 gallon of milk, 1 dozen eggs, 1 loaf of bread
and1 pound of hamburger.  These items are paid for with money donated to
the  food pantry.  You can donate non-perishable food items or money at any

How can I get food from the food pantry?
Food from the food pantry is available by contacting the church office at
748-4936.  The office staff will set up a time with you to pick up food for you
and your family.  The food pantry is open for you to call Monday thru Friday
9am to 4pm.  We request that anyone needing food call first.  Food can be
distributed as often as you need it and the vouchers can be given out to each
family once per month.

How do I request a table for the lobby on a Sunday morning?
The lobby is a place that we encourage people to gather and fellowship on
Sunday mornings.  Our desire is to not have tables fill up the lobby.  If you
need a table to promte an FBC event you must contact Pastor Brian at
748-4936 in advance to make the necessary arrangements for a table.

How do I go about getting an announcement placed in the church bulletin?
All announcements requested to be in the bulletin must be turned into the
church office by Thursdays at 3:00pm.  The FBC bulletin is reserved for the
promotion of FBC & CEYC events.  Anything outside these priorities may be
denied.  Inserts are not a desire for the bulletin and will not be used if the
information will fit into the regular announcements section of the bulletin.  For a     complete list of the Bulletin Guidelines contact the church office at 748-4936.

How do I go about having an announcement made on a Sunday morning?
Announcements about an upcoming church related event can be made on
Sunday mornings by contacting the church office at 748-4936 prior to Sunday
mornings to make the request.


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