

Men’s Bible Study

Men, you are invited to study the Old Testament book of Deuteronomy this fall with Pastor Tim Becker. Deuteronomy contains Moses’ final words to the nation of Israel as they are about to conquer the Promised Land. He points them back to their history as a nation and how they should live under God going forward. This book helps us understand the Bible as a whole and is repeatedly quoted in the New Testament. It also helps us understand the character of God and ourselves.

Why study Deuteronomy? Living as a godly man does not come easy or cheap. We need the help of God and the help of brothers in Christ. Jesus is right, man does not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. So, we sit under God, reading and thinking about at his word, and interacting with our brothers in Christ.

We will study with our Bibles open as we interact with the text and one another. This study is for all post high school men.