

Ladies’ Christmas Coffee House

A chance for post-high school women to gather and reflect on the perfect timing and purpose of Christ our Savior’s first coming and look longingly to the promise of His second coming. To live between these two advents is a reality that can weigh heavy. We know we have the hope of redemption, and yet long for all to be made completely well and whole. The Good News is that Christ has given us hope, both now and for the future. His timing in all things is trustworthy! We’ll use song, readings, and prayer to focus our time, as well as enjoy specialty appetizers and coffee drinks. Plan to come, bring a friend, and join in as we set our minds on truth and hope in the midst of the whirlwind of the holiday season.  

 But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son…Galatians 4:4

Cost: $3   Tickets available starting Nov 12.  Thank you for purchasing in advance to help with planning.